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Year 5

Autumn Term 2


Over this half term, we are linking our Writing to the story ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson, which we will studying in Reading, to produce a creative and descriptive narrative. The children will be applying their use of speech to create engaging and enjoyable dialogue within their narratives. 


In Reading, the children are reading the fictional text ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. Alongside reading this text, year 5 will be developing their prediction, inference and retrieval skills in order to improve their comprehension of the text. Furthermore, we will be looking at identifying themes and conventions within the text and finding links between them. 


In Maths, students will continue to use concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies to solve and show their understanding of different mathematical concepts. Our topic this half term will be addition and subtraction using formal place value column method. Children will focus on aligning place value columns and making exchanges for up to 6-digit numbers. We will finish this topic by focusing on applying this knowledge to solve multi-step mathematical problems.


In Science, the children have been learning about materials and change in properties. They have learned about change of state, including processes such as evaporation and condensation. The children also investigated change in temperature of boiling water using a thermometer and a number of different container materials, such as metal, plastic and ceramic. They will continue to look deeper into material properties, with a focus on separating mixtures and explaining why some changes are irreversible. 


In Geography this half term, children will be learning to identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere alongside the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.  They will be posed the big question- ‘How do imaginary lines help us locate places on Earth?’. The children will focus their learning to apply their knowledge and understanding to answer this big question. 


This term we will be learning about the concept of 'Warning'. Looking at the Magi and their role within the nativity story. 


In Music, the children have been learning how to compose and record music using written notation. This half-term they will be looking at theme and variation, applying composition skills to create their own version of music, including popular Christmas songs towards the end of the term. 


This half term the children will learn about crime and punishment in the Anglo-Saxon period, feeding into their final goal that by the end of Spring 1, they will have completed a study of crime and punishment in British history that extends their chronological knowledge beyond 1066. 


This half term, the children will be learning to develop and improve their mastery of art and design techniques when drawing. These skills will be progressed through the context of drawing architecture and cityscapes. To draw inspiration, we will be looking at the history and work of some particularly influential figures within this space, including; Zaha Hadid, Phil Dean (The Shoreditch Sketcher) and Stephen Wiltshire.