Year 4
Spring Term 2
Continuing from the previous half term, children will focus on writing to inform, using the text driver Until I Met Dudley to inspire their work. They will develop their ability to use a range of subordinating conjunctions, such as "since," to show causality in their writing. Children will practise placing subordinate clauses at both the start and end of sentences, learning how to use commas accurately when the subordinate clause comes at the start. Through this, they will produce clear, informative writing that explains and educates with precision and clarity.
Building upon this foundation, children will delve into The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo to enhance their writing to entertain. They will explore the use of figurative language, focusing on the rule of three, to create vivid and engaging narratives. By identifying and analysing how authors employ this technique, pupils will understand its effectiveness in storytelling. Additionally, they will refine their skills in punctuating direct speech, ensuring accuracy whether the speech appears at the beginning or end of sentences. In composition, children will plan their writing by discussing and recording ideas, utilising a 'boxing clever' structure to organise their thoughts coherently. Oral rehearsal of sentences will precede drafting, enabling the development of rich settings, dynamic characters, and compelling plots.
In fiction, children will revisit themes and conventions within texts, honing their ability to retrieve information accurately and justify inferences about characters' thoughts and feelings with textual evidence. The core text for this exploration will be The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. In non-fiction, pupils will engage with information texts, focusing on verifying the accuracy of their retrievals and making inferences about individuals' motives, supported by evidence from the text.
This term's focus encompasses fractions, decimals, and geometry. In fractions, children will learn to count in hundredths, recognise and represent equivalent fractions using diagrams, and perform addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator. They will tackle problems involving non-unit fractions and their application in various contexts. Regarding decimals, pupils will identify decimal equivalents for tenths and hundredths, divide one- and two-digit numbers by 10 and 100, and compare and round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. In geometry, the curriculum includes classifying shapes, identifying lines of symmetry, and completing symmetric figures relative to a specified line of symmetry.
Students will identify common appliances that operate on electricity and construct simple series circuits, naming basic components such as cells, wires, bulbs, switches, and buzzers. They will determine whether a lamp will illuminate based on its inclusion in a complete loop with a battery, understand that a switch controls the opening and closing of a circuit affecting the lamp's function, and identify common conductors and insulators, noting that metals are good conductors.
Children will enhance their skills in data collection and analysis, exploring various methods to view, sort, and interpret data using tools such as data loggers. They will analyse collected data to draw meaningful conclusions and discuss the advantages of employing digital tools for data management. Additionally, the curriculum addresses the topic of bullying across different media, equipping pupils with strategies to maintain online safety and respond appropriately to cyberbullying incidents.
Design and Technology
This term, the focus is on sewing, with children collaborating to create a class piece of bunting. They will learn to use various tools and equipment to measure, cut, and join fabric with precision. The development of sewing techniques—including threading needles, executing running stitches, backstitches, cross-stitches, and applying appliqué methods—will be emphasised. Pupils will also acquire the skill of securely attaching buttons. Throughout the project, they will select materials based on functional properties and aesthetic appeal, employing finishing techniques to enhance the final product's appearance.
The curriculum explores human geography, concentrating on the distribution of food. Pupils will investigate the concepts of imports and exports, gaining insight into the origins of various foods and their journey to supermarkets. The study includes examining key exports from countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Germany, and Belgium, alongside the United Kingdom's major exports. Furthermore, children will delve into food production processes—from farming and harvesting to processing and distribution—while considering the impact of transportation methods like rail, maritime, and air travel on food distribution.
Children will study the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for control of England up to the time of Edward the Confessor. They will ask questions to deepen their understanding of the Vikings, compare their society with other historical periods, and evaluate their impact on England. Children will learn about Viking exploration, their use of longships, and the way they shaped the culture of the lands they colonised. They will also explore Viking storytelling, their use of runes, and their beliefs in gods such as Odin and Thor.
This term, children will explore rhythm and metre by creating and performing word patterns to a steady beat. They will develop their ability to notate and perform crotchet, quaver, and minim patterns in different time signatures. Using musical games such as "Driving in My Car," they will experiment with rhythmic structures and refine their performance skills.
Children will develop coordination through activities focusing on sending and receiving. They will practise striking with a backswing and follow-through, move their feet to position themselves for receiving, and improve their catching skills. In counterbalance activities, they will work on maintaining core stability and partner communication. In basketball, children will refine their passing, teamwork, and defensive strategies, learning how to keep and regain possession of the ball effectively.
Children will explore topics related to physical health, respectful relationships, and online safety. They will learn when and how to seek support if they are worried about their health and discuss the importance of courtesy and manners. They will also examine different types of bullying, including cyberbullying, and understand how to report concerns. In online safety, children will consider the risks of online relationships, critically evaluate online information, and learn about data privacy. They will also explore the concept of democracy and what it means to live in a democratic country.
RE: Concept of Ritual
This term, children will explore the concept of ritual by examining how Christians use the Paschal Candle in ceremonies. They will express their personal responses to various rituals and identify how these responses apply in different contexts within their own and others' lives. Through inquiry, pupils will gain a clear understanding of what constitutes a ritual. They will then contextualise this knowledge by learning about the specific use of the Paschal Candle in Christian practices, particularly its role in commemorating the resurrection of Jesus during the Easter Vigil. Finally, children will evaluate the significance of this ritual, discussing its importance to Christians and reflecting on its potential relevance to themselves and the wider community.
In Spanish lessons, the focus will be on food-related vocabulary and expressing opinions about different dishes. To build confidence in speaking, children will engage in role-play activities, simulating restaurant scenarios where they practise ordering food and conversing about their preferences. These interactive exercises aim to enhance their conversational skills and fluency in a supportive and enjoyable environment.
This term, within the Creative Cog, children will learn to recognise and respond by developing coordination through activities focusing on sending and receiving. They will practise striking with a backswing and follow-through, positioning themselves effectively for receiving, and improving their catching skills. In counterbalance exercises, emphasis will be placed on maintaining core stability and effective partner communication. During basketball sessions, children will refine their passing techniques, teamwork, and defensive strategies, learning how to maintain and regain possession effectively.