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Year 3

Spring Term 2


We will be reading various myths such as ‘Pandora’s box’ and ‘Odysseus and the Cyclops’ and their themes and conventions. We are going to use “echo reading” to encourage the children to consider their use of expression when they read. Children will also practise retrieval skills and consider the concept of themes. Later in the term, we will read a non-fiction text and a range of poems.

To help your child at home, please continue to encourage them to read daily and record their progress in their planners for the teachers to see.



During each half-term, the children will produce one piece of fiction and one piece of non-fiction writing. Throughout these learning journeys, they will acquire new grammar skills, practise their application, and develop extended pieces of writing.

The first piece of writing that children will compose is a narrative. They will write a myth, which includes time adverbials and fronted adverbials. This half term they will also be taught how to punctuate direct speech correctly, and we will encourage them to use this in their narrative.

The second piece children will write will be a recount (in letter form). During this learning journey, they will revisit learning about prepositions, the articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ and the constructs of a recount (such as paragraphing, chronological order and past tense).



During this half term, learning will focus on the following units:

Geometry, Shape and Space

Children will learn to:

  • draw 2D shapes and make 3D shapes using modelling materials
  • recognise 3D shapes in different orientations and describe them

Measures: Time

Children will learn to:

  • tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from i to xii, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
  • estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute
  • use vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight



During this half term, children will complete a physics unit on light. They will learn about the light from the sun and the need to protect our eyes from it. They will learn about reflections and shadows.



This half term children will continue learning about Britain from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. Our learning this half term will focus on the Iron Age. They will then start learning about the Romans.



In Geography, the children are weighing up the pros and cons of renewable and non-renewable energy, where this energy or mineral comes from. The children will also investigate the affects using these has on our planet and how we can use energy responsibly.



In Spanish this half-term, the children will continue learning colours in Spanish and will use this knowledge to describe colours and features of faces ‘My eyes are green…’ and ‘Her lips are red.”



In Computing the children are learning to copy and paste text and images. They will use what they have learnt to create a poster on the Iron Age. They are also learning about screen time and the damaging effects too much time on screens can have.



The children are learning about how to keep themselves safe and well. They will also learn about money and the importance of saving.



In RE this half-term, they children will learn about the Christian Easter story. They will consider the changing emotions throughout the story and reflect on changing emotions in their own lives.



This half-term, we will continue work on our cognitive cog as we complete the Real PE unit. This cog teaches the children ways to identify how a performance can be improved. The children will also be learning how to play netball.