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Year 1

Summer 2 

Ahoy There!


A message in a bottle washes up at school, along with a map to find the hidden treasure of Foxhills Infant School.  The children will follow the clues to find the treasure and clues all the way around the nature trail. The children then worked as a team to work out the clues which reviled that we would be learning all about pirates.


The children will enjoy planning, preparing and attending a pirate party to celebrate their learning and other achievements from their time in Year One.


Phonics screening 12/6/24

Sports morning 21/6/24

Transition day 4/7/24

Transition day 5/7/24


This half term the children will practise answering more complex questions about information that they have read independently. They will also learn to make inferences, using picture and clues within text that help them to understand the meaning of what they are reading. They will also learn about making plausible predictions on the basis of what has been said and done, making links to their own experiences. 


During this learning journey the children will learn crucial editing and proofreading skills, in order to make additions, revisions and corrections to their own writing.  They will learn to do this alongside their teacher, with an editing partner or independently. They will learn to edit to ensure their writing is coherent, that words are spelt accurately and to making improvements in their word choices.  Children will have individual learning focuses depending on their personal targets.  The children will be introduced to using a word mat, dictionary or thesaurus.


This half term begins with a focus on money. The children will learn to recognise each coin and understand the value of them. Once confident that children will learn to interpret and solve problems drawing on some of their previous learning such as addition and subtraction. In the second part revisiting crucial knowledge and skills from previous journeys.


To finish their chemistry and physics learning journey, the children will revisit materials in order to compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple, physical properties.  They will decide which material is best suited to specific purposes and create an effective floating life raft.


The children will continue exploring geographical representations on a smaller scale by practising interpreting treasure maps and using coordinates.  Some children might be challenged to use simple compass directions, in preparation for their Year 2 geography learning journey.


The children will continue to learn about connections in world history and will finish their history learning journey by ensuring they fully understand how to place their knowledge onto a timeline.  They will investigate further to learn more about early pirates, as they study this event beyond living memory. They will investigate how pirates lived and the differences between our lives.



This half term, the children will spend art revisiting the knowledge and skills that they have learned this year and will practise using a range of materials creatively to design and make products. They will learn the skill of weaving and use that to make their own pirate ship sail.   


The children will learn to choose and use tools and ingredients in order to make and evaluate their own foods. They will make the pizza to calm an angry sea monster before evaluating their pizza using all five senses.


This half term the children will be focussing on how exercise changes the way we feel. They will be able to talk about how their body feels before, during and after exercise. We will focus on good health and the role exercise plays. The children will also use a range of equipment appropriately and move and land safely.


In RE this half term the children will think about community and what that means to them. They will recognise how community is represented within the Sikhi tradition of sewa.


They thought about different families and focussed on who the special people in their lives are, before considering ways that they are cared for and ways in which they can care for their special people.


In computing will learn what algorithms are and how they are implemented as programs that follow precise instructions. They them used the programme Scratch to make their own programs.


In music the children are focussing of singing and begin to explore and use vocal sounds, chant and sing rhymes and songs illustrating character and/or mood building rhythmic and melodic memory.