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Spring Term 2 (2025)


We will launch our Shooting Spring topic by visiting the nature trail to collect some tadpoles to discuss the lifecycle of a frog. We will end our topic by having duck eggs delivered and seeing the beginning of a duck’s life.


Communication and language

We will continue to practise good listening. Children will be encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions with their peers, taking turns to listen and speak. Children will practice applying their knowledge of questions to find information and gain understanding. They will also begin to give meaningful answers to questions.


Physical Development

In PE, the children will explore different movement and travel using these. They will continue to negotiate space and carry out the movements energetically. We will continue to use the trim trail, bikes and scooters in MOLE time. We will develop our fine motor through fine motor activities in MOLE time.



We will discuss during our PSHE learning our family and community, and how we can help the people in these environments. Finally, we will look at using money responsibly. We will also continue, as always, in MOLE to take turns with resources and when having conversations. As well as continue to understand our emotions and develop our self-regulation.



In writing, we will begin by revisiting identifying all sounds in a CVC word. We will move onto learning what a noun and adjective are to support us to write phrases (sentences without a capital letter or full stop). We will also discuss why finger spaces are important to use when writing phrases/sentences, to separate each word that we write. All children will apply their phonics knowledge to their writing and some children will be challenged to begin to use capital letters and full stops.



In reading we will learn words that you use to ask questions (why, when, where, who, what, how). We will discuss what is and isn’t a question, through reading stories and discussing them.



We will be learning about the composition of numbers, focusing on 6-10. We will apply our knowledge of addition and subtraction to support this. We will also learn to make comparisons. Focusing on, size, capacity and weight.


Expressive arts and design

We will explore what techniques we can use to create things out of recycling, something we call junk modelling! We will also look at colour mixing, exploring different ways to create colours using the primary colours (red, blue and yellow). Exploring paint, watercolours, dyed water and crayons to make colours.


Understanding the World

We will discover how farming has changed over time, how farmers used to work compared to how they do now we have new technology and machinery. We will explore this through stories, videos and small world. We will also be learning about seasons, focusing on spring and summer. We will discuss what we see in the seasons, how weather changes and what the differences between the seasons are. We will look at the nature trail in the season of spring and then discuss what will happen when it turns to summer. In our RE learning we will focus on new life, how an egg represents this and how people who follow Christianity use eggs as a symbol of new life at Easter time.