Year 1
Autumn 2
Friday 18th November- Open Day
Friday 29th November- Dress down day
Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th December- Christmas Performance
Friday 13th December- Christmas jumper day
This half term the children will learn how to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition and subtraction. They will learn to represent and use their number bonds to 20 to help them. The children will then learn to add one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers before learning to subtract one-digit numbers and two digit numbers within 20.
During this learning journey, the children will learn to say aloud what they are going to write about and compose each sentence orally before writing it down. The children will learn to sequence sentences by using a mixture of proper nouns and pronouns. They will learn to re-read sequenced sentences to check that each individual sentence makes sense and that full stops have been used to punctuate sentence boundaries accurately. They will discuss their writing with the teacher or other pupils using correct grammatical terminology.
This half term the children will learn a range of poems above their reading level in the form of acrostic poems, shape poems, limericks and haikus poems.They are going to learn how to appreciate the rhymes and how to recite the poems by heart. Within their learning, the children will be taught features involved in poetry such as alliteration, onomatopoeias and synonyms, what they mean and how and why they are used in poetry. The children will discuss the meaning of words, and link these to ones they already know.
This half term in science, the children will continue to develop their knowledge of everyday materials. They will learn to group together a range of different everyday materials based on their physical properties. This will include wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock.
The children will begin this learning journey by learning about the seven continents. They will learn where they are on a map and what they are called. The will then learn the names of the 5 oceans and where these are placed in relation to the 7 continents.
In history, the children will be looking at changes in living memory. They will learn about how the changes in decades has influenced music, toys, television, computing and technology, and what these looked like decades ago compared to now.
This half term in DT, children will build on their knowledge of healthy foods. Children will design and make a healthy fruit-based dish that promotes their 5 a day.
In computing this half term children will explore how to use technology purposefully and to create and save digital content. They will practice saving their work under a suitable title so they know how to find their work again.
This half term, children will continue to look at Christianity. They will learn why Jesus is the focus of the journey’s end and why this is important to Christians. The children will look at why this is important in Christianity and how this links to the characters in the Christmas narrative.